Grow TF Up. Compassionately

6 min readMar 1, 2018

There’s a new verb out there. Adult used to refer to a person of a certain age. Now it means to do things that a person of a certain age is supposed to do. This can be anything from the laundry to taxes. Seems like every other time I get on Facebook or Instagram there’s a Meme, generally posted by one of my younger, Millennial friends, about the awful thing called Adulting. Either they have managed to Adult that day in a way that makes them proud but also tired and generally disdainful of their need to Adult, OR they are wishing that they didn’t have to do any Adulting that day.

I can relate.

But I’m no Millennial. I’m a Gen-Xer, and I’ve been adulting for many years.

Or have I?

Looking in from the outside, it probably appears that I am, indeed an Adult Who Adults. I pay my rent, buy groceries, pay taxes, balance my checking account, do laundry and have a private practice that keeps me from living on the streets. I also interview well and tend to present as a smart and capable person.

Look deeper. I’ve spent most of my life riding the coat tails of other people. I have let other people BE my structure and security. Without an external structure, I sleep late, eat crap, barely pay attention to my finances, leak money on junk and junk food, and put little or no effort into my work. And taxes…




Heathen wildflower. Healer/teacher. Tiny, mobile space dweller. Artist. I write what I know, what I dream, what I learn.